Twitter has killed more people than Hitler.
Twitter have killed more people than Adolf Hitler
Looks like Twitter has now killed more people than Hitler
Really Twitter, really? You killed more people than Hitler.
At this Rate Twitter will Kill more than Hitler Ever Managed
Dear Twitter, you kill more people than Hitler!
twitter, you kill more people than hitler did.
Dam I sware twitter kill more people than HITLER
Forget Hitler... Twitter is more ambitious...
Twitter has successfully managed to kill more people than Hitler.
Twitter Tryna Kill more people then Hitler!
twitter is tyna beat Hitler's kill-death ratio
Twitter's on pace to kill more people than Hitler!
Twitter kill more people that Hitler
Twitter kill more people than Hitler did
Twitter kill more people then hitler...
Dear Twitter, you kill more people than Hitler!
Twitter obvs is trying to kill as many people as Hitler
Really Twitter, really? You kill more ppl then hitler did lol
Yall kill more people than Hitler... jeeze twitter
twitter likes to kill off more people than hitler...
Twitter Kill More People Than Hitler, Aids and Justin Bieber....
I think twitter can kill more people than hitler.